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Explaining Reverse Osmosis Filtration and its Benefits

Many have heard about them, but not everyone knows just what they do. Reverse osmosis filtration provides some unique benefits to water that initially may not have been palatable or healthy to drink. But what, exactly, does it do?

Hose or Spring Water: The Healthiest Choice for Your Vegetable Garden

Growing vegetables at home means fresh produce can be trusted not to have the pesticides and contaminates that may be found in those bought from the store. It also offers some relaxing time in the garden. However, after going through all that trouble to create a food source that is fresh and healthy, using an outdoor hose to hydrate them with unfiltered tap water seems contrary to supporting optimum well-being...

Home Water Conservation Made Easy

So many countries are experiencing drought, including Canada’s neighbour to the south, that it makes one consider what they can do in their own home to conserve water. Here are some easy ways to save this precious resource that can easily be incorporated into any lifestyle...

Eco-friendly Alternatives For Disposable Plastic Water Bottles

Plastic is an easy go-to for transporting anything from lunches to water to other drinks. However, as convenient and user-friendly as it may be, there are those who are looking for alternatives that may be even greener and eco-friendly...

What’s in the Tap Water Across Canada?

purifiedCanadian tap water is pure and perfect, right? Well, not really. While it certainly rivals the quality of the U.S.’ supply, regulations here are less stringent which means contaminates in the pipes of the northern part of the continent may not be as quickly identified as those in the water of their southern neighbours...