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Category: Eco-friendly Practices and Green Initiatives

Home or Office Delivery - What Should You Expect

It’s not always easy to know if a company’s service is right for you. Especially services like home or office delivery, which require your trust as a consumer and need to be reliable. What should you expect from the company delivering your product? And what standard of service should the company set? Here are four qualities that make for exceptional product delivery

10 Ways to Reduce Waste in the Workplace

Reducing the carbon footprint that we leave behind on our planet is a goal of many businesses and individuals. One of the ways is to lower waste in the workplace so as to be part of the solution for a better world rather than the problem. There are some simple ways to make a difference at work that will save incredible resources over time...

Glass Bottles – A Sustainable Choice

Glass has always been the go-to choice for high-end consumable beverages. It keeps them colder in the refrigerator, they taste better, and they look more distinctive on a shelf. The portability of glass was called into question decades ago, however, due to its fragility and propensity for breakage...

Eco-friendly Alternatives For Disposable Plastic Water Bottles

Plastic is an easy go-to for transporting anything from lunches to water to other drinks. However, as convenient and user-friendly as it may be, there are those who are looking for alternatives that may be even greener and eco-friendly...

Home Water Conservation Made Easy

So many countries are experiencing drought, including Canada’s neighbour to the south, that it makes one consider what they can do in their own home to conserve water. Here are some easy ways to save this precious resource that can easily be incorporated into any lifestyle...