
Water is life. The human body is comprised of 65% water and it cannot survive without it for any great length of time. It needs to be imbibed several times a day in order to stay healthy. While the body can go 3 weeks without food, it cannot go more than 3 days without water...

A company’s product is important, but how they deal with their customers truly shows who they are. 70% of buying experiences are influenced by how the customer feels they’re being treated and it’s important to make sure the people that are being serviced enjoy dealing with the company that’s selling or providing a service to them...

The drought in California and other parts of America may seem distant to Canadians, but it not only is right in their backyard, it is also affecting one of the largest suppliers of food to the region...

Since 1992, the temperatures around the world have been consistently rising, year after year. 2015 was proclaimed as the hottest on record, and the effect it has had on water has been significant...

Canada, which represents less than 0.5% of the world’s population, is in possession of 20% of all of the world’s freshwater. It would seem, on the surface, that this surplus offers an easy answer to the global water crises by having Canada provide water to all those who need it. What is not taken into consideration by so many is how climate change will also affect the area and its own residents in the long run...