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Category: Health & Wellness

What’s in the Tap Water Across Canada?

purifiedCanadian tap water is pure and perfect, right? Well, not really. While it certainly rivals the quality of the U.S.’ supply, regulations here are less stringent which means contaminates in the pipes of the northern part of the continent may not be as quickly identified as those in the water of their southern neighbours...

Is It Safe To Drink Rainwater?

When thinking of rainwater it’s easy to forget that it is the basis for much more than that collected in barrels or flowing through rivers. Tap water is actually rainwater that is collected in different reservoirs. It’s treated with certain things to take out any bacteria and contaminates, but there is some question as to whether these treatments may actually be harmful to those who drink it...

How Drinking Water Keeps The Mind Sharp

The body is made up of approximately 50-65% water. It’s important to maintain that ratio in order to stay healthy and function properly. Dehydration can happen fast and create issues physically and even mentally...

Cold, Tepid, Warm or Hot: The Best Temperature for Drinking Water

There is no set water temperature that is best for drinking all the time. Bodies can benefit from different temperatures depending on what they’re going through at any given moment—physical activity, illness, dietary changes and more...

8 Tips to Leading a Healthier Life

Life is hectic, and remembering to make healthy choices can take a backseat to all other activities when unhealthy options are often more convenient. However, it’s important to stop and look at ways to enhance one’s mind, body, and spirit in order to lead a healthier and, ultimately, happier life...