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​What is the Best pH Level for your Drinking Water?

What is the Best pH Level for your Drinking Water?

Recently, pH levels in water and alkalinity have become big topics of interest amongst those who prioritize their wellness and those trying to improve their health. Why should you care about pH levels, and how do they affect your body? What pH level should you be drinking in your water? Here’s what you should know.

What does “pH” mean?

Depending on where you’re from, “pH” stands for power, or potential, of hydrogen. The pH level measures how many charged particles or hydrogen ions (H+) are in a liquid/solution, and exists on a scale of 0-14. Higher H+ concentrations result in lower pH readings, and vice versa. Any readings lower than 7 are considered acidic, and any reading above 7 is alkaline, or basic. The “alkalinity” of a solution is a measurement of its capacity to resist changes to its pH level, keeping it from becoming more acidic.

How do pH levels affect you?

Alkalinity and pH need to be measured to determine how corrosive a solution is. Drinks like apple juice (3 pH), black coffee (5 pH), and milk (6.2 pH) measure accordingly on the pH scale based on their acidity. If you’ve ever had heart burn or acid reflux from drinking coffee or juice, then your digestive system is likely sensitive to acidic drinks.

When water is too acidic and has a pH reading under 6.5, is it considered to be soft and corrosive. Acidic water might have a metallic or sour taste, as well as high levels of toxic metals like iron, copper, lead, and zinc. Not only is this harmful to our bodies, but also damaging to pipes and plumbing.

On the other end of the pH scale, water that is very alkaline with a reading of 8.5 or higher is considered hard. Extremely hard water can often have an unpleasant smell or taste and damage pipes and appliances, too. If you’ve noticed that your water is hard, or damaging your plumbing or appliances, consider installing a water softener in your home.

Is Alkaline water good for you?

Lately there has been a big push for alkaline drinking water. It’s known for its higher mineral content, which is what raises its pH, and many people count it as the source of their improved hydration, healthier skin, better digestive systems and stronger bone health. Despite all this, scientific research has yet to prove that consistently drinking alkaline water will truly reap these benefits. More research is needed to confidently support these claims.

What pH level should your water contain?

Ultimately, you should drink water that is neither too acidic or too alkaline, and that is both clean and pure. The U.S. Environment Protection Agency recommends that drinking water have a pH level between 6.5 and 8.5. Most ground and surface water should show a pH reading between this interval.

At Cedar Springs, our premium spring water typically has a pH level between 7.8 and 8.2 depending on the season. Our water is naturally alkaline, and naturally filtered, with no added chemicals or toxins. It’s clean, fresh, and tastes amazing!

Call 1-800-952-3327 and try our spring water today!